Design What

Design What

Design What featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



Inspired by the Wassily Chair and Corbusier’s Sling chair the y.O Zmart Chair has the unique ability to convert from a reclining position to an upright dining position in one motion without latches or hardware using only proportion, geometry and gravity while remaining in one piece as one object. The convertible chair design started with inspiration from early 20th century furniture designs and ended with this patented design creating a new type of chair. In either position the y.O Zmart Chair will be there to support you.

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Queue is a linear LED pendant system with limitless potential, designed for flexible installation and an inviting presence. These 44-inch, 2300-lumen modular bars of light connect via linear sliding joints and hang from stainless steel wire loops, allowing for custom compositions tailored to the needs of the space. Units can be oriented either upwards or downwards in order to cast respective soft or direct lighting.

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One Sheet

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multi locust

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Bend seating by Marc Scimé, completes Bend & Transition, a seating and table ecosystem for open domestic and commercial environments in harmony with modern lifestyles anywhere, anytime, indoors, outdoors and somewhere in between. The Bend sofa prototype is one example of made-to-order seating configurations the modular system can provide, ranging from small stools to extensive seating clusters for open public spaces, such as an airport waiting lounge.

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The Birth

'At the moment of fertilization, eggs emit light'. What is really visible is not light but something grotesque and at the same time beautiful, and which indeed appears to be shining. At the moment of fertilization, the wavelength inside the egg changes. If light is a wavelength, those changes can be interpreted as 'light'. The great wonder of life is encapsulated right there. 'The Birth' is a chandelier inspired by this faint light and by creating a sense of intimacy with the mystery of life observers will be encouraged to re-think the significance of life itself.

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