Design What

Design What

Design What featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Bamboo Rhyme

Only because of hand-made so good idea, in today's market has not applicable. Although people love the hand-made products of ingenuity, but with the development of the times, taking into account the high quality and mass production of the product is more popular favorite. So keep the spirit of handmade craftsmen, with the help of new technology or mechanical power to the heart of the craftsmen to perform high-quality products, mass production, which will be the next thing I want to do.

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MUR is a very specific product, part of the company’s collection of pieces that attempt to be as disconnected as possible from any specific trend or historical period. Privatiselectionem studio relies primarily on high quality materials, craftsmanship and a mixture of classical proportions with contemporary ideas. The craftsmen techniques give an individual aspect to every item and combined with the quality of the materials make MUR an object whose main target is likely to be collectors and aficionados.

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Borderline is at the same time bookend and tablet stand. Its name draws inspiration from the current socio-economic time: within the reading market there are mixtures of materials, media and technologies. It is a linear, minimal but multifunctional feature and it is formed by the simple bending of a steel plate. It is available in the natural steel version or colored with several colors. Its particular inclination allows reading in the most various situations: reading recipes or watching tutorial while cooking, reading while typing at your desk or storing books on your bedside table

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Megurogawa minna no illumination

Great East Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima nuclear accident happened in 2011. Most Japanese were required to take power saving measures, however, illumination decoration with Christmas business was seen in central Tokyo. CreativeOut started to hold an event which allowed them to use the new energy solution. This illumination was lit up by refining waste oil, from households and restaurants where the event was held, into biodiesel fuels to illuminate the area along the Megurogawa river and supported by the government, donations from regional companies.

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Cushion table

These days, many office workers spend their time at the table. Many workers are suffering 'Carpal Tunnel Syndrome'. 'Carpal Tunnel Syndrome' is caused by a lot of computer works such as clicking mouse and typing which evoke wrist strain.The main concept of cusion table is ' relaxing the wrist'. It is made up of hard plastic table board, soft cushion and stainless table legs. Table board is wrapped by a cushion and well-designed table legs support the table board. Table legs are inspired by spiders legs.

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Raica, inspired by nature and having the form of lotus leaves, brings to your home the simplicity, the companionship with nature as well as positive messages like friendship, peace and calmness. The table's surface is raised from the earth with the support of several formed plywood pieces, similar to the leaf raised by its stem. Raica table presents the beauties of the nature by means of its green design and state of the art technology in using wood.

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