Design What

Design What

Design What featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


The Realm Series

The Realm series cloakroom innovatively adopts a cylindrical aluminum profile structure. It maintains the light and stable features of the aluminum structure while eliminating the sharp and cold feeling of traditional aluminum furniture through the circular design elements. The layer boards, drawers, handles, and other components are all unified, giving people a sense of comfort and security.

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Less is More

The inspiration for this chair was a summary of the pandemic experienced in recent years and the lessons learned. The design has always represented social aspects, and nowadays a product needs to represent these key elements like comfort, no excess, and sustainability more than ever. Simplicity is often the most difficult to achieve. To be simple it is necessary to eliminate the excesses and the unnecessary and this could be achieved in life and also on the design. The result is a minimalist, elegant, and sustainable chair.

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A chair that allows you to fix your posture through the discomfort. Modern people spend a lot of time sitting. Sitting for a long period of time causes various lower back problems. Therefore, you need to change your posture regularly while you are sitting. Bada is a chair that allows you to be able to fix your posture through discomfort. As the users' sitting positions turn into a bad posture, their bodies will slide slowly, then they will be forced to change their posture. As a result, the designed discomfort feeling is able to help the users stay in a healthy and correct sitting posture.

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The ceiling lamp Lorca is a ceiling lamp that brings a sculptural note to any space, it's a thin rectangular vertical line coming straight from the ceiling, displaying an excerpt of poetry along this line. The poem is attached along one edge of the square body with a perfect reading and highlight to this main feature. The lamp is entirely made in iron and naturally oxidized. The light fixture Led hidden at the end of the body creates an accent light. Through poetry the designer wanted to create a dialogue, between the words, the forms, the textures and the spectator.

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Swing Ao

Most conventional chairs are designed based on the idea that sitting is a static state, even though the human body is designed to move. Swing Ao has a tension structure that allows the seat to move freely in conjunction with the movement of the sitter's pelvis. This promotes a feeling of floating and the movement of the pelvis, spine, and surrounding muscles, activating the body's functions just like playing on a small swing. Additionally, it can be used as a stationary stool with an 8-degree angled seat surface to maintain a healthy posture with an elongated spine.

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The Sixth Sence

The lamp was developed under the influence of the research about the concept of proprioception. This special, muscular sense, thanks to which a person feels his own body in space, is informally called the Sixth Sense. Thanks to this design approach, it has been developed a floor lamp that a person can use with their eyes closed, without being distracted from their work or leisure. With the help of a base, the lamp can be placed as close as possible to the workplace or even between and furniture. And also with the help of switches located at the arm's length.

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