Design What

Design What

Design What featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



The table is made of different pieces of plywood that are glued together under pressure. The surfaces are sandpapered and threated with a matt and very strong varnish. There are 2 levels -since the inside of the table is hollow- which is very practical for placing magazines or plaids. Under the table there are build in bullet wheels. So the gap between floor and table is very small, but at the same time, it is easy to move. The way the plywood is used (vertical) makes it very strong.

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Dyhan lounge concept combines modern design with traditional eastern ideas and principles of inner peace by connecting with nature. Using the Lingam as form inspiration & the Bodhi-tree and Japanese gardens as a basis on the concept's modules, Dhyan (sanskrit for meditate) transforms the eastern philosophies into varied configurations, allowing the user to choose his/her path to zen/relaxation. The water-pond mode surrounds the user with a waterfall & pond, while the garden mode surrounds the user with greenery. The standard mode contains storage areas under a platform that acts as a shelf.

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Lory Duck

The Lory Duck is designed as a suspension system assembled from modules made of brass and epoxy glass, each resembling a duck sliding effortlessly through cool waters. The modules also offer configurability; with a touch, each can be adjusted to face any direction and hang at any height. The basic shape of the lamp was born relatively quickly. However, it needed months of research and development with countless prototypes to create its perfect balance and the best look from all possible angles.

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Time Book

Time Book are made by hand-polished crystal glass blocks. Special ink was screen printed on the surface and cured at high temperature. The high density of crystal glass gives them perfect stability when in use. Time Book is minimalistic in terms of function, form and material, it’s like a book-shaped sculpture. The function is clearly presented by its form. The text on the book uses Quinsay Parto typeface designed by Time book’s designer. The “MMXIX” on the book spine is the Roman numeral writing of “2019”.

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37 Degrees

With an embedded bluetooth sound system which is activated by user’s finger tapping on the table top, this product is able to complete bluetooth connection, music playing and switch between songs quickly, while supporting music played by various devices. Apart from its advanced feature of man-machine interaction, this table has a wireless charging zone, just put your phone in the charging area on the top of the coffee table to get it charged. Neat and convenient.

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