Design What

Design What

Design What featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



In the year 2020 people had to reinvent their lifestyles and face a collision of professional and private in their homes. Inspiration to solve this problem was found in one of the concepts of modern partial physics, supersymmetry, which explains how the substance can transform into matter. A lighting fixture was designed to help people to switch between their life essences by the simple move and magnetic click. The lamp transforms from a vertical source of soft light to a horizontal source of concentrated light for work, creation, and close communication.

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Zero is modular, and proposes the elongation of the main piece through a simple connection of the cylindrical tubes, thus allowing different layouts, resulting in a sculptural and organic format. It is called Zero because it is close to the ground, because it offers a connection with the energy of the earth and a position open to the sun, to the sky. Zero depends on other pieces to be one. A major challenge was to find the correct angle of curvature to give the piece the anatomy that would generate comfort for the user.

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Mob-clock is a table clock made up of a graded Mobius strap as the main body on a stand and a ball as a pointer. Although time is a linear one-direction concept, there are two repeating loops for each day, AM and PM, in normal clocks. Indeed, as in daily life, people do not switch their sides and continue and go on through the day; Mob-clock helps the user to have a natural feeling about time. In Mob-clock, the pointer moves in only one direction on one boundary of Mobius to pass 24 hours without any repeating and switching side and boundary.

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Standly Bao

Standly Bao is a assistive device for workers who need to go through long period of standing, keeping them in fine standing posture and mental state, at the same time having the same mobility as standing. With three points pressure method, pressure of lower limbs can be reduced, thus keeping workers from developing wrong standing posture. When the device is folded up, it gives back the space to narrow working space such as counters in bar or department store.

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Collection Crypto

Crypto is a modular lighting collection since it can expand vertically as well as horizontally, depending on how the single glass elements that compose each structure are distributed. The idea that inspired the design originates from nature, recalling ice stalactites in particular. The peculiarity of Crypto items stands in their vibrant blown glass that enables light to spread in many directions in a very soft way. Production occurs by means of a completely handcrafted process and it is the end user who decides how the final installation will be composed, each time in a different way.

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Elytra is designed in a way that allows the user easy access to increase the table top surface because of its non-static nature. The biomimetic, dynamic table's surfaces are split into four broad parts, including a wooden "head" and "body" as well as two glass-inlay wings that can be opened out simultaneously to expand the table's surface to store an extra few cups of tea, a planter or two, and perhaps a notebook to doodle your ideas on.

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